winners of chicago winners of chicago


From bustler: A rethinking of how a large cities fragmented infrastructure and famous parks designed by one of the founders of the disciplines of both Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, Frederick Law Olmsted, can be reshape the urban periphery.

MAS Studio and the Chicago Architectural Club announced the results of NETWORK RESET, a single-stage international competition that seeks to provide ideas and actions that can reactivate the Boulevard System of Chicago and rethink its potential role in the city

winners of chicago

Background from the competition brief:

” NETWORK RESET, a single-stage international competition that seeks to provide ideas and actions that can reactivate the Boulevard System of Chicago and rethink its potential role in the city.”


FIRST PRIZE: Chicago Constellation”

“Proposed by John S. Wright in 1849, the system was envisioned twenty years later when the State Legislature established the South, West, and Lincoln Park Commissions. Also referred as the “Emerald Necklace” since the 1893 World Columbian Exposition, it is composed by a series of streets and parks, some of them designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and William Le Baron Jenney. After the mid-twentieth century, the lack of proper funding, the split of management of the system as a whole (parks would be managed separately from the streets) and the migration of residents to the suburbs were some of the circumstances that accelerated the deterioration of the system. While portions of it, such as the Logan Square Boulevards District (an official city landmark district since 2005) still maintain the original character, other parts have just become underutilized areas and oversized streets that act as barriers within neighborhoods.”


FIRST PRIZEChicago Constellation

Kees Lokman, Fadi Masoud and Conor O’Shea


FIRST PRIZE: Chicago Constellation


FIRST PRIZE: Chicago Constellation

SECOND PRIZE(in)voluntary prisoners of climate change

Julie Larsen (Aptum), Roger Hubeli (Aptum) in collaboration with Gale Fulton
Student contributors: Danny Duong, Rossitza Kotelova, Jasmine Lee, Alvaro Luna, Brian Vesely and Wallo Villacorta


SECOND PRIZE: (in)voluntary prisoners of climate change


SECOND PRIZE: (in)voluntary prisoners of climate change


Timothy Bacheller, Charlotte Page and Christopher Phillips


THIRD PRIZE: The Ring Line


THIRD PRIZE: The Ring Line

See also the five honorable mentions in the image gallery below. Images courtesy of MAS Studio.

See also the five honorable mentions in the image gallery below. Images courtesy of MAS Studio.

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